Saturday, April 16, 2011

On Television...

On Television...

by Adam Littlefield on Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 8:29pm
     So I was just given shit by my oldest friend in the world about the fact that I still watch some of the stuff on MTV… It's a product of our age, I think... I watched a shit-ton all through my teens, when it made the transition to being less-and-less about music, and when maybe other people were waaaay busier than I was. So MTV is kinda like an old friend, who you hate some of the shit that they do and what not, but you also still love in many ways, and has always been there... They were one of the pioneers of reality television, and as a student of the social sciences and human interaction and such, I very much enjoy reality television, however contrived…

     It’s kinda like when we were kids. I know my Mom and Dad were sure to be very clear to us at a very young age that TV and movies were make-believe, and purely for entertainment. And I really think that a lot of people are striving for some as-seen-on-TV life, and of course this creates a symbiotic, mutually-parasitic relationship between them and the people who are cranking all of this stuff out. But I think that intelligent people, who know that all of the crap they watch is purely for entertainment, can gain little nuggets of insight from the most trivial of places. I was looking at an old entry of mine the other day about human interaction, as well as humans’ interactions with books, movies and television. And it essentially stated that no two people are going to take the exact same thing from a book or movie or talk with a friend. Generalities can be observed, but perspectives are endless. So I don’t necessarily think that watching perceived garbage automatically makes you a mindless fop. It surely turns out its share of mindless fops, but perspective and intent and the realization that it’s all make-believe with tidbits of reality rather than reality with tidbits of make-believe, can make for intelligent viewing of nearly anything…

     So yeah, I don’t watch TV nearly as much as I used to. But I still watch it, and I am not ashamed in the least to admit it. A lot of people are all blah blah blah, I don’t watch TV, I’m too busy, I’m too smart, I have a life, yadda yadda yadda. And that’s fine, good for them. I realize this started with MTV and turned in to TV in general and the vague defense of my watching it. But I kind of take issue with the fact that some people tend to judge others on very trivial matters such as this, not necessarily my friend who initially sparked this rant, but they’re out there…

     So to wrap it up, I’ll say this… MTV has always been there, and it has never judged me, so I’ll never fully turn my back on it. It may judge you, but only if you let it…

Good day to you, people…

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